Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Membership information

1. Membership class.

Affiliate. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is applying for an Affiliate Membership as a public University located in Spain; it is a not-for-profit organization that depends directly of the Government.

2. Member Organization Info.

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is located in Madrid, Spain. The Department that takes on responsibility of membership is: Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Ciudad Universitaria, sn, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. Phone: +34 91 336 68 30 Fax: + 34 91 336 73 33

3.Advisory Committee Representative.

Juan Quemada, Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, ETSI Telecomunicación, Ciudad Universitaria, sn, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: quemada@dit.upm.es Phone: +34 91 336 Fax: + 34 91 336 73 33

4.Invoice Contact.

Javier Uceda, Vice-rector for research, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, sn, E-28040 Madrid, Spain.

5. Membership term start date.

2003, January 1st.

6. URL


7. Member Site Access

Personal password system.

I certify that my institution is in the process of executing the W3C Member Agreement. Between now and the time that this agreement is fully executed, I request access to the W3C web site and mailing lists. I agree that all employees and others affiliated with my institution will use these network resources in compliance with the intellectual property policy found in paragraph 7 of the Member Agreement and will also protect the confidentiality of all communication and information as provided by paragraph 1.1.3 of the Process Document. I will assure that all those who use W3C resources are aware of these conditions.

The W3C Office in Spain

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) was set up in 1971 as an independent entity composed of Engineering Schools, although its history can be traced back to the Royal Academy of Mathematics of Madrid, founded in 1582 by Felipe II, the Engineers Corps for the Army, Sites, Ports and Frontiers, created in 1711 by Felipe V, and The Royal Academy of the Three Noble Arts of San Fernando, founded in 1741.

Naval, Mining, Civil, Forests, Industrial, and Agriculture Engineering Schools were founded through the XVIII and XIX centuries, being settled in well-known places such as El Escorial palace and the Royal site of Aranjuez. Schools devoted to modern technologies, such as the General School for Telegraphy, or the Aeronautics Engineering School and Computer Science Faculty have been created in the XX century.

Nowadays, the UPM is considered an outstanding University in Europe, having more than 40,000 students and 3,500 teachers in 19 Schools and 5 associated institutions. The UPM, in all its centers, drives the technological development in Spain, and plays an important role in European research and academic activities.

Its central location in Spain makes it a key place for the cooperation among the Spanish Universities and companies, as well as a convenient place for travelling. Madrid –where the UPM is located– is only at one hour flight time of all the peninsular cities, holds one of the largest international airports in Europe, has many facilities for hosting tourists and events, and is the region in Spain with the highest number of national and international companies in information technology.

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación

Telecommunications studies in Spain began in 1913 with the creation of the General School of Telegraphy. The Telecommunications Engineering degree was created in 1920, and in 1957 the School was handed over to the Ministry of Education. It then took its current name “Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación” (ETSIT); it was settled in its current location in Ciudad Universitaria in 1965. The ETSIT is a founder member of the UPM, in charge of teaching information technologies, especially networking, transmission and telematics (telecommunications and informatics, or following other terminology, electrical engineering and computer science), at graduate, post-graduate and doctorate levels.

The size and the activities of the ETSIT have grown considerably in the last few years. It is one of the centres most requested by young students (so the admittance grades are at the highest in Spain) with approximately 300 teachers and 4000 students. More than 200 new engineers finish their studies in the ETSIT every year. They exhibit a solid and thorough education that makes them appreciated professionals in many areas of the Spanish economy.

Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos

The Department of Telematics Systems Engineering (DIT) was created in 1984, joining some former groups in the ETSIT / UPM, and is one of the largest and most significant departments in ETSIT. The DIT deals with telecommunication, telematics and computer science. The staff is now comprised of more than 90 people, 70 of them engineers (MSc) or doctors (PhD), structured into several research groups.

Joining in a single university department both communication networks and computer science (which is called Telematics), has revealed to be very fruitful and enriching for both the university and the Spanish companies related to the Department activities. The European Commission has recognised this fact and proposed a similar organisation for European universities related with Information Technologies.

The DIT provides teaching at undergraduate, post-graduate and master levels to approximately ETSIT students in more than 15 subjects in the graduate studies and doctorate programmes. DIT also organises a postgraduate programme for people from industry, with one Master program for Networks and Systems, and other for Mobile Networks, as well as several Especialization programmes (IT Management, Mobile Internet Engineering, Internet/Intranet Engineering, etc.). The Department produces nearly 40 master theses, 5 doctoral theses and more than 80 contributions in international meetings and magazines each year.

The technical focus of research activities range from the infrastructure layers in communications (broadband network, IPv6, satellite networks, local and metropolitan networks, ATM, high-speed protocols, traffic simulation, networks integration), to the management of networks and services (services trading and brokering, integrated management of networks, systems and services -TMN, SNMP-, cryptography and network security), and including the software engineering of services on networks (protocol engineering, distributed platforms, real-time critical systems, CORBA, software architectures and UML), specific platforms and techniques for Internet based services (Web, Web-services engineering, Java services, EJB, MDA, RDF, Multimedia Internet), and applications such as tele-education, tele-training, multimedia interfaces, tele-presence, CSCW, distributed data bases and data models, complex systems and office theory.

These lines of research are developed, extended and transferred to industry through the active participation in European research projects such as IST, ACTS, TELEMATICS, and ESPRIT (more than 10 active projects); national programmes, such as the Spanish National Plan for R+D (more than 12 active projects), and contracts with Spanish and European companies and public entities, such as ESA, the European Commission, Telefónica, Repsol, RENFE...

The Department has close relation to Spanish technological development. Some productive results in the field of information technology transferred to industry are:



Initial office staff:

Director: Juan Quemada.

Address: Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, ETSI Telecomunicación, Ciudad Universitaria sn, E-28040 Madrid, Spain.

E-mail: quemada@dit.upm.es

Phone: +34913367331

Fax: +34913367333

CV: Director of Telefonica Chair in UPM for Internet New Generation. Editor of “Computer Networks and ISDN Systems”. Member of IFIP TC 6.1, IEEE, ATI, COIT, AEIT.

Technical manager: Juan C. Dueñas.

Address: Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, ETSI Telecomunicación, Ciudad Universitaria sn, E-28040 Madrid, Spain.

E-mail: jcduenas@dit.upm.es

Phone: +34913366831

Fax: +34913367333

CV: Member of the program committee of the Postgraduate programme in ETSIT-UPM. Technical leader of EUREKA/ITEA and IST projects. Member of IEEE, ATI, COIT.

Secretary: Ivana D’Alessandro.

Address: Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, ETSI Telecomunicación, Ciudad Universitaria sn, E-28040 Madrid, Spain.

E-mail: ivana@dit.upm.es

Phone: +34913367332

Fax: +34913367333

W3C Office plan of activities

The main objectives of the office during its first three years must be the establishment of the office, and growing of the community towards the implication of several new members in W3C activities.

Internal activities

The internal activities aim at the consecution of a stable and performing office, able to start their public activities:

Activities to W3C

Firstly, the office will follow the indications from W3C about collaboration with other offices:

Additionally, the Spain office will host several events:

Academic-related activities

Activities with other universities in Spain and South America will pursue the creation and maintenance of the support network, and the development of a catalogue of W3C research related activities, and a list of contact persons with the information about the technical work they are developing.

An initial listing of universities with potential interest are (some of them have already been contacted): Universidad de Murcia, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Universidad de Vigo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad del País Vasco. Universidad de Valencia.

As soon as the operational support is available, all these universities will be invited to collaborate and support the activities; a forum will be specifically devoted to them. Quarterly meetings in order to explain recent W3C developments will take place; we expect to receive support for this from MCYT.

Industry-related activities

These activities take as targets:

  1. that companies are aware of W3C activities,
  2. that some companies are able to identify their own activities in relation with W3C,
  3. that some companies get specific support from the office,
  4. that some companies consider to join W3C.

This last objective does not seem very realistic nowadays; depending on the economic situation this may evolve to get absolutely impossible, or to discover a small but very valuable set of companies that will to contribute to W3C.

Economic situation is out of our scope, but the office should ease the technical support and specialised training for these candidate companies. Taxes reductions for the affiliate fees will be considered. A listing of interested companies will be created (and the first entries will be those companies that once were affiliates to W3C).

Some companies that are or were affiliates to W3C: Telefónica, newKnow, FICYT, UV. Other companies that would participate are ECI, INDRA, ANIEL, MCYT, ATI.

At this moment, some restrictions can be devised to the search of potential members, in order to make more effective this search:

With these conditions in mind (and they seem quite sensible and pragmatic), the set of potential industrial members is small. The office will focus its activities towards these potential members.

Specific activities for increasing the general industrial awareness of W3C activities are:

Institutions-related activities

Institutions play a two-fold role with respect to the office:

Basically we will request grants and contacts from the following government institutions: MCYT, DGI, CDTI, CAM.

And we will collaborate with other institutions such as: RAE, ANIEL, Autonomic authorities (technology innovation offices), ONCE.

Technical activities

The office will promote the participation of Spanish universities, companies and individuals in the W3C technical activities. Three technical activities will be undertaken by the office staff:

Activities for the public at large

The activities for the public at large are dissemination tasks. Their aims are to spread the knowledge about WWW usage, development and standardization; and specifically those actions towards internationalization and support of Spanish in the Web.

General press (periodicals and magazines, El País, El Mundo, ABC) will be the target of press releases. For specialized press (technology sections in newspapers, technical magazines, professional newsletters, CiberPaís), articles about specific aspects of W3C work are envisaged. The participation of the office staff in open divulgate activities such as “The week of science” (promoted by CAM), or technical seminars organised by the Museum of Sciences will be taken into account. An agreement with some popular technical magazines (PC Actual, PC Today) in order to include a CDROM with distributions of open source programs supported by W3C will be pursued, provided it will return incomings to the office.

Periodic reports of news from W3C are also a valuable material that will be sent to Professional IT Associations (COIT, AEIT, ATI), or provided for free to their magazines (Novática, COIT, revista de ANIEL) or members.

All this information and press releases will also be published in the W3C web site, as well as an on-line newsletter ready under free subscription. We expect to get a list of email of interested people.

Finantial plan


The activities for the public at large are dissemination tasks. Their aims are to spread the knowledge about WWW usage, development and standardization; and specifically those actions towards internationalization and support of Spanish in the Web. General press (periodicals and magazines, El País, El Mundo, ABC) will be the target of press releases. For specialized press (technology sections in newspapers, technical magazines, professional newsletters, CiberPaís), articles about specific aspects of W3C work are envisaged. The participation of the office staff in open divulgate activities such as “The week of science” (promoted by CAM), or technical seminars organised by the Museum of Sciences will be taken into account. An agreement with some popular technical magazines (PC Actual, PC Today) in order to include a CDROM with distributions of open source programs supported by W3C will be pursued, provided it will return incomings to the office. Periodic reports of news from W3C are also a valuable material that will be sent to Professional IT Associations (COIT, AEIT, ATI), or provided for free to their magazines (Novática, COIT, revista de ANIEL) or members. All this information and press releases will also be published in the W3C web site, as well as an on-line newsletter ready under free subscription. We expect to get a list of email of interested people.

The main external sources of incomes could be:

The internal sources of incomes will be:

The following table includes the expected incomes for the first two years. The third year the W3C grants disappears, as well as the UPM fee. The first part of the table corresponds to the fixed incomes, and the rest to variable incomes. The reader may observe that most of the amounts are not known at this moment (marked as 0), and those already given are rough estimations.

Kind of income Income Origin Value (Euro) Value ($)
External fixed Grant W3C 10000 10000
External fixed One travel W3C 1800 1800
Internal fixed Member fee UPM 1000 1000
Internal fixed Infrastructure DIT-UPM 0 0
Internal fixed Network UPM 0 0
Internal fixed Support staff DIT-UPM 0 0
External variable Grant MCYT 0 0
External variable RD project EU 0 0
External variable Grant CAM 12000 12000
External variable 20% fees W3C 0 0
Internal variable Postgraduate UPM 0 0
Internal variable Activities UPM 0 0
Total 24800 24800


As for the expenditures of the office, there are also fixed and variable ones. No differences will be done between internal and external expenditures.

The foreseen external expenditures are:

Kind Expenditure Receiver Value (Euro) Value ($)
Fixed expenditure Current 10000 10000
Fixed expenditure Network UPM 0 0
Fixed expenditure Support staff DIT-UPM 1000 1000
Fixed expenditure Equipment 12000 12000
Fixed expenditure Small 2000 2000
Fixed expenditure Fees W3C 1000 1000
Fixed expenditure Travel 900 900
Fixed expenditure Part time staff DIT-UPM 0 0
Variable expenditure Full time staff 0 0
Variable expenditure Activities 0 0
Total 26900 26900

Finantial prospect

The tables shown with these figures show a deficit in 2100 Euros. The examination of the given tables shows that some expenditures are covered directly by fixed incomes. As the process of set up the office progresses, the estimations on incomes and expenditures will be more accurate; we expect to cover the expected deficit within the first year.

The worst situation for the office will appear in the third and fourth year, which it will still be not mature enough for survival, but no grants are coming. For that time, we expect to have obtained one or two W3C partners in Spain, to have joined a national or European research project, or to have given a postgraduate course that allows us to cover the expenditures; when this happens the office will contract a full-time technical person.

UPM the host organisation will take responsibility of physical, financial, organizational and staff resources needed, and of any lack of funds produced by the normal operation of the office. In any case, the long-term survival of the office is aimed, and its operation under autonomous conditions.


The main conclusions of this document are: